Two new Builds

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Two new Builds

Post by MrErickson » Mon Sep 28, 2020 8:29 pm

With so much free time due to not being able to go out and do thing things I normally would I've been trying to clear out some of the long standing projects that I've worked on occasionally. Recently I finished two Gameboy builds.

#1 Circuit Sword With 640x480 screen.
Case ModificationsShow
CM3 Case
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3D partsShow
CM3 Parts
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For some reason I lost my inside shot...all I have is the completed build picture.
Full BuildShow
CM3 Built
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This thing is awesome, the screen is crisp and makes me sorta want to order another if they are available again and upgrade my older Circuit Sword. Kite you do amazing work.

#2 Non-AiO build.

This build has been a long time project of mine, something I would take down, tinker with a bit and put away for a month or two before remembering it and repeating the take it down and tinker with it then put it away again. I wanted to take a stab at not using an AiO board and doing the internals myself. I used one of Erik's common ground boards as the base, I could have just wired up to GPIO pins but at the time picked up a teensy and got it programmed so I went a head and used it. Mid way thru the BW screen I used went belly up... After a half dozen attempts to figure out what might be wrong on the board or screen and swapping out every thing I could think of I went a head and pulled the screen and brackets out.

While looking through some other builds in the show off section and debating putting the build up for another bit or buying another BW screen I looked through a few builds using SPI screens. After poking around a bit I found myself on and decided to give one of their SPI screens a go, as long as I was there I ordered a few other parts as well. I made a low pass filter following the steps wermy showed in his original how to video but PA had a dual channel filter as well as a two channel audio amplifier. Being inexpensive I picked both up and one of their GPIO assist boards just to look at, I gotta say I'm impressed with the GPIO board, even if not using the GPIO pins for button presses it makes hooking up to the pie super easy.
Assembling the backShow
Non-AiO Back 1
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Pocket Adventure partsShow
PA parts
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Working ScreenShow
Screen Working
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So closeShow
Almost there
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All DoneShow
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Once done I got curious and grabbed my original GBZ build which uses one of Helder's AiO boards and a BW screen. Here is a shot of them running side by side. I noticed differences in one screen vs. the other but didn't play with it long enough to make a determination either way on if i preferred one over the other.
SPI vs BWShow
SPI vs. BW
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Still working my way through my Pile o Projects so more to come.
Stay safe everyone.

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Re: Two new Builds

Post by Spyder » Tue Sep 29, 2020 10:34 am

Thats awesome. Love them all

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Re: Two new Builds

Post by MrErickson » Tue Sep 29, 2020 8:45 pm

I enjoy building them it is challenging yet relaxing, I've already started on a new build with a bunch of spare parts I found while cleaning up my shelf. At some point..the wife is going to make me get rid of some of these though.

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