Now 100% Finished. My 400mAh arrived yesterday which I've now installed and she's closed up and working nicely! I used the 400mAh 403035 as advised by smoki86 but actually had to mod the case a bit more to make it fit. I used the dremel to smooth the indented battery bay to give a bit more clearance and also removed the microUSB' on the Pi for good measure. (This was mainly to practice with my hot air station but still didn't do any harm).
The battery now fits nicely and even has a bit of wiggle room. I gently sanded the battery door pins down too so I could still use it as these were now too fat and there wasn't enough clearance inside with the battery installed. Sanding them down allowed them to slide in and a bit of double sided tape keeps the door stuck to the battery inside nicely.
When charging I shut the system down and leave the switch on - red charge light goes out once complete leaving the blue on. Still testing to see how long the 400 lasts.
That's it folks. Thanks again to satri360 and smoki86 for your efforts on this one.
95% finished! Just need to add the battery as the 300mah I had spare was too fat
The case was quite easy to prepare but definitely one to take your time on, especially if you're using a clear shell! I ended up removing the JST connector as it made things too tight for my liking so I'll solder directly to the pins.
I did note a couple of board components close to or touching the shell so i made a few small, additional cutouts to give them room.
Had a couple issues along the way... corrupted an SD card which was annoying but most frustratingly the 'B' button did not work.
Pad had continuity with the correct GPIO pin but no amount or re-work fixed it. Even ran a wire directly off of the B pad to no avail. Suspected bad GPIO pin?
Ended up running the wire to a spare GPIO and tweaking the retrogame file to reflect. All good!
Have added a couple of classics and it plays great. Need to amend the theme to suit, add the battery and it'll be completed.
So I've finally gotten around to starting this one....a nice little project I must say.
I opted for the pre-made PCB option, more so out of laziness and time availability than fear of soldering the small components as I quite enjoy a challenge
This all arrived quickly so thanks to Satri360 for this.
My PCB had the pads pre-tinned and wires soldered on. If I'm honest I wasn't a fan of this.
I understand the concept and reason behind it but would much prefer to secure the Pi to the board first and then through hole solder like with the SAIO, tinyPi etc. I guess it made it more awkward to pull all the wires through the right spots, trim then solder. That said a year ago it would have been a blessing so...
So far I've soldered the Pi onto the PCB and attached the screen. Ive written a stock image of Retropie and made the code changes advised.
Satri360' build log and steps are great - very thorough.
Test book was a success! Moving onto case mods next.
Looking forward to what V2 brings and of course Kites version of this in the coming months.
Stay tuned, hopefully i'll have this up and running shortly.