GBZ Misc Hardware

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Revision as of 08:52, 17 July 2016 by Sander (Talk | contribs)

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GPIO PWM Audio for Raspberry Pi Zero

150 Ohm resistor, 270 Ohm resistor, 10nF capacitor, and a 33nF capacitor (another 10nF will work fine as well if that’s easier to find)

L/R Buttons

If you want to use tactile switches in the rear screwholes like the original GBZ, you'll need something similar to this: or this

Replacement case

A replacement case for the gameboy can be found here.

Audio Jack

In case you can not use the audio jack of the original GBZ board here is a replacement.

Power Switch

If you don't have the power switch from the GBZ board or are unable to desolder it you can use this switch.

Micro SD Card

32 Gb micro SD card to install RetroPi on and roms.

Prototype PCB

Protoytype PCB to create power distribution board or GPIO sound output for the RPi Zero.