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Remove unwanted emulators without wifi

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 1:18 am
by BadBert

i want to hide / remove the unwanted emulators on my pi0 running retropie.

I found a video how to do this, but the guy uses wifi connection, and enters the pi memory over wifi.

I don't have a wifi adapter, and want to know how to do this withoud wifi adapter :)

any tips?

Re: Remove unwanted emulators without wifi

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 3:16 am
by Zero
You can mount the hidden partitions (most likely ext4) on your sd card that contain the files you need to edit if you're running a windows pc, using some software, that way it shows up as another drive in windows explorer and you can edit the appropriate files after you insert your microsd via a card reader.

I tried a few different bits of software myself and this was the only one that worked properly for me in windows 10 but it was only a trial version:

I soon gave up with that method and went with the wifi dongle option, as that lets you do a lot more via ssh, using software like winscp and putty, remotely accessing files and seeing the changes on the device as you're accessing it.

Re: Remove unwanted emulators without wifi

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 10:12 am
by grenade44
When you say remove do u mean uninstall or just hide them from the retropie menu?

To uninstall you have to use the retropie setup script that can be found in the retropie page.

To hide from the menu you need to delete all roms in that roms folder. You can do this via command prompt with mouse and keyboard. Or mount partition( I haven't had much luck with that in windows) Does work great on linux lol.

Re: Remove unwanted emulators without wifi

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 12:42 pm
by BadBert
Hiding is enough! Thanks!