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How to assign a combination of buttons to do something

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 9:37 am
by cosmicXYZ
I've been trying to edit this file (/opt/retropie/configs/gba/retroarch.cfg) to allow me to exit the gameboy emulator/bring up the retroarch menu with the button combos that work in most other Retropie emulators (start+select, and I think the other is select+y). I found the section that's for bringing up the menu and assigned it to "s", "enter" (formatted exactly like that, and those are the names my start and select button are linked to). It didn't work, and I'm wondering if that formatting is wrong or if it's something else. The exit/menu combos work in SNES, but with GBA I always have to use a keyboard or SSH to get out of it. Help?

Re: How to assign a combination of buttons to do something

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 12:30 pm
by cosmicXYZ
Ok, so I've figured this out. I misunderstood how the hotkeys work. One key, typically select, is your "hotkey enable" key which is used in combination with whatever other key you assign to "exit emulator" or "toggle menu". And for some reason in the GBA configuration, my start key was being called "enter" instead of just "e", which is what it was called everywhere else. Also, apparently you can use hotkeys for volume control, so that's cool.