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Minty Pi V3.5 Issue

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2020 8:22 pm
by Naughtsure
After soldering the rasberry pi to the board and flashing the sd card the display looks like this. I seem to be able to navigate to different menus however everything is messed up and sideways. I've already checked continuity for all my soldered connections and their neighboring pads which makes me think its the screen itself, however I am not sure. I could try to resolder all the connections though i'm worried i'd make it worse and would rather not do that unless it is likely to be the problem.

Re: Minty Pi V3.5 Issue

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 3:18 pm
by LilTrublMakr
Answered in Discord but I will answer it here as well:

The v3.5 image is different than the v3 image. One of these differences is that the video drivers are different which is why you are getting a screen like that.
The v3.5 image is (hopefully) getting released tonight so keep an eye out for it:

Re: Minty Pi V3.5 Issue

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2020 6:15 am
by Naughtsure
Thanks that fixed it, but after assembling the entire thing and plugging it in to charge the light lit up red and charged for a bit, however when I picked it up something shorted and the light turned off. Now the battery wont charge through the usb port. I'll have to check the entire thing to see what happened.