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V3 Pisnes not Working

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2021 8:53 pm
by Hatterful

I've been fiddling around with my Mintypi for a while now, and noticed that any snes games I played were incredibly slow, or otherwise unplayable. Based off of other posts I decided to switch my emulator to Pisnes in order to fix the issue.

Since downloading and making this switch, I've noticed a number of issues every time I boot up a snes game:
1. the start/select exit feature does not work, meaning I cannnot exit the game I boot up without shutting down the system
2. only the direction buttons, the Y button, and the START button work. All other buttons are completely unresponsive

I am unsure of how to resolve this issue, as every other snes emulator I try is very laggy but otherwise functional, so any input or assistance on this venture is much appreciated.