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Peanut - a tiny and affordable Arduboy compatible handheld

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 5:19 am
by Ampersand
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While working on the Null 2, I made Peanut.

Get a kit here:

Peanut is a DIY kit that uses modules rather than tiny components so that it’s easy to make.
It comes on a single PCB with the shell attached, simply snap off the shell (like a real peanut) and solder everything down.
You don’t need any glue or screws or 3D printing to make Peanut and it's only $20!

0.96" OLED screen
Injection moulded joystick for a proper arcade feel
Rubber button caps for comfort
Piezo speaker
5 different button colours to customize yours
Gold-plated PCB
Tiny - 50x35mm
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The kit includes everything except the battery due to shipping restrictions, but you can get one here for a few bucks ... 4c4dTEqWmd