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Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 12:13 pm
by erik_gee
I figure I can power the lm393 from battery instead. Provide a little more headroom. Then just add one more v divider for the line comparing to shut down the pi, since the low battery comparator already has a divider set up. So besides changing a bit of routing, it would only need 2 additional resistors.

Right now I'm trying to read the datasheet on how much of a difference between vcc and input signal is required to operate normally. I know I can't go above vcc, but trying to find at what point results are unreliable.


Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 12:12 am
by erik_gee
another update.

Finished testing everything on the first proto. Was able to test the extended sd card connector, screen, and controls. All working well. In the middle of making the proper adjustments now in the design. Things that need to be changed:
  • Low battery detection and shut down detection complete overhaul. The vcc and line in signal were too close and behaved erratically, dropping signals and refernce voltages down with dividers to fix the problem. Tested on breadboard working so should be good.
  • New smd switch. Tried being clever by using a normal dpdt switch upside down mounted but was just slightly too tall. Spent a LONG time looking for compatible switches and i think I may have found 1 or 2 to test. New switch is single pole, so had to get a little creative with the extra circuit,
  • Volume wheel was slightly too tall so switching to a 1mm height wheel.
  • SD connector I bought was wrong type, more appropriate one is being swapped out
  • Adjust placement of indicator LEDs
and the big ones
  • Button layout is switching from the staggered current layout, to the more familiar GBZ layout
  • (Possibly?) Switch to a 2.6 screen

I got a lot of feedback and it seems people dont mind have the nintendo logo cut through in order to achieve the normal 4 button layout, so since this actually makes a few things easier design wise, I will be switching over. I will however be continuing work with the current staggered layout in parallel as I still prefer this layout. I may make a small batch at the end for those who prefer it as well, but i mean SMALL batch, as I would be soldering these ones by hand.

As far as the 2.6 screen goes, it is preferable. The 2.6 spi screens would mean ZERO modifications to the inside of the screen compartment as it would fit (unline the current 2.4 screen that are slightly too wide). This is only a possibility right now as I don't have much experience with these type of screens and would have to seek help from those smarter than me haha I don't wanna be rude and expect a handout, as I know people have put a lot of work into developing the drivers for it and I completely respect and understand that. Thats why its only an idea right now.

now some pictures. Shout out to Helder for recommending using the mintypi image to test the screen, saved me some time


Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 3:57 am
by Helder
Don't forget to rotate that display in software. The 2.6 is the perfect fit for the GBC, in time Bluups driver will be available for use just credit where it's due and I'm sure everyone will be content. 32teeth has his schematics freely available for this screen, so a good place to start.


Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 7:02 am
by erik_gee
Helder wrote:
Mon Sep 17, 2018 3:57 am
Don't forget to rotate that display in software. The 2.6 is the perfect fit for the GBC, in time Bluups driver will be available for use just credit where it's due and I'm sure everyone will be content. 32teeth has his schematics freely available for this screen, so a good place to start.
Yup good to hear 👍 yeah I was just happy it turned on, didn't worry about the rotate yet haha the first screen was apparently broken so I was a little on edge trying figure if the design was wrong


Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 10:50 am
by erik_gee
New version in. Testing a new flux, was much messier than I thought haha


Ignore the broken volume wheel, it was just the closest one too me at the time.

Battery charger working well again, mosfet switch working. Gonna test battery detection next, which was one of the big modifications from last version(that didn't work right)


Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 2:42 am
by bentresearch
Looks amazing so far, any updates?


Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 7:45 pm
by erik_gee
Havent updated here in a while. The Board is done now, finished testing. Just going to go through some real world use for a couple weeks to make sure its ok then doing a presale.

Lost a button here haha and i havent removed protective film from screen, but this is more or less what it will look like. Will take better photos and more info once i finish the real world testing



Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 12:05 pm
by makazatra
Looks very awesome!
What will be the estimated price?


Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 6:44 pm
by erik_gee
makazatra wrote:
Thu Oct 24, 2019 12:05 pm
Looks very awesome!
What will be the estimated price?
Thank You!

I haven't really given the price much thought. I usually dont think about that sort of stuff until its ready to actually go up haha I like to just focus on making it. So i dont really have an answer right now, sorry. But i'll be sure to update with that info as i get to it.


Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 4:51 pm
by Spyder
Extremely rad. Curiousity, where is the power switch? Any thought of changing the X/Y button placement?