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Composite screen with zero4u PP1 and PP6

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 3:16 pm
by Treguard
Ive just realised that the usb hub i have (zero4u) connects to two of the same pins (push pins) as the red and black wires from the BW car monitor im using.

Are there any alternative pads or pins that could be used for the screen, OR can you power the screen via a usb port OR would it work if i soldered the red and black wires to the push pins on the usb hub - i.e. could those pads put out enough juice?

Thanks in advance!

Edit:- re the usb option, would it just be a case of straight connecting +5 to pin 1 and ground to pin 4 ? Does anyrhing need to be connected to pins 2 and 3 for it to draw power?

Edit 2:- Failing that, can we just not solder to pins #2 and #6 on the gpio or is 500ma not enough for the screen?