Veteran's 4th "NO Dpad BUILD" (Arcade Edition)

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Veteran's 4th "NO Dpad BUILD" (Arcade Edition)

Post by VeteranGamer » Sat Jul 14, 2018 2:36 pm

Firstly i want to thank Helder for being really understanding

and secondly would like to thank this person on instagram "haihaisb"
(dont know him, dont follow him) but thats where i pinched the idea from.....

i've got one of Kite kits on order, but until that shows up (around the end of the year), i'm still doing DIY builds....

and as i prefer to play fighting games (one in particular, lets see if you can guess), and arcade style games (beat'em up and shooter)
the Dpad on the Game Boy DMG isnt really designed for those and game play with it can be a little disappointing....

so i've come up with my own solution.....
i've seen this done to standard DMG (haihaisb), but i think this is the first Raspberry Pi modded DMG done like this
(based on not being able to find another, but could be wrong.... as always)

NB:i appreciate this isn't going to be to everyone taste, but its very functional (and unique in a sea full of Game Boy builds now)


















nothing fancy on the inside (if youve seen my previous build, it pretty much the same)....



Last edited by VeteranGamer on Sun Jul 15, 2018 3:27 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Veteran's 4th "NO Dpad BUILD" (Arcade Edition)

Post by VeteranGamer » Sat Jul 14, 2018 2:36 pm

video showing the handheld...

and also how it performs with games....
(games tested)

Street Fighter 2 CE (FBA)
R TYPE (Mame)
Super Mario Bros (NES)
Tetris (Game Boy)
Sonic CD (Sega CD)

NB: was playing from behind the camera


Last edited by VeteranGamer on Tue Aug 21, 2018 11:58 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Veteran's 4th "NO Dpad BUILD" (Arcade Edition)

Post by VeteranGamer » Sat Jul 14, 2018 2:36 pm

getting this build to look good was just as important as the functionality of it.....

once i decided that the joystick route was doable, it had to be done....


the hole was achieved with a larger step drill bit to that which is used for the buttons.....
(even thou i could have also done the buttons with it)

Image ... autifyAB=0

the size i ended up with was a 24mm opening....
however i was hoping for a slightly smaller opening, so i could still have the directional arrows (that are already on the case/shell)....
but this didn't pan out, but the end result still looks great (IMHO)


once happy with the opening for the joystick, the rest of the mods were done.....




the next challenge was how to make the 24mm opening look better....
the inspiration from this came from a arcade stick

most arcade stick (stand alone or in a cabinet) have a dust cover....



how to achieve this was a bit of a head scratching moment.....
i did consider some kind of card, but was hesitant on this as i didn't think it would be durable....

so the next option would have to be plastic or some thing that was just as durable....
in this pursuit, i also considered getting another case/shell and butchering that to make a dust cover of sorts....
that was an impractical idea....

so while considering options i purchased these Polypropylene Plastic Sheet.... ... 2749.l2649

and when they arrived i knew i had my dust cover...
these sheet also have a slightly texture surface on one side, not identical to the Game Boy but not far off


cutting these sheets is a bit of a pain, they are plastic (the thinner the sheet the better for cutting)....
they can be cut with scissor, but scissor cant be used for the center circle....

so i also purchased a compass cutter....

Image ... 2749.l2649

even with the compass cutter, don't expect to get a perfect circle on the first attempt.....






once completed the results are really pleasing.....




the Dpad best suited to the stick is a standard PSP1000 thumb cap.....


but its just slightly small for the look i was aiming to achieve (its ok as an addition to a Dpad, but not as a replacement).....



so copying what another sudomod member has done, i made a custom NDS/PSP thumb cap (combining the two)


sanding/grinding both thumb caps (starting with the PSP)


then the NDS



then just gluing the two together....


and the results..... well they speak for themselves





PLEASE NOTE: links for all the parts used can be found in my previous builds (components, 3d parts) please have a look there.....

Last edited by VeteranGamer on Tue Aug 21, 2018 12:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Veteran's 4th "NO Dpad BUILD" (Arcade Edition)

Post by ABH » Sat Jul 14, 2018 2:46 pm

That is really cool
Great idea!

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Re: Veteran's 4th "NO Dpad BUILD" (Arcade Edition)

Post by rodocop » Sat Jul 14, 2018 10:30 pm

I like the idea! What did you use to fill the gap? And what size hole did you cut out for it?

Nice addition to the button pcb by the way.

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Re: Veteran's 4th "NO Dpad BUILD" (Arcade Edition)

Post by VeteranGamer » Mon Jul 16, 2018 5:13 am

rodocop wrote:
Sat Jul 14, 2018 10:30 pm
I like the idea! What did you use to fill the gap? And what size hole did you cut out for it?

Nice addition to the button pcb by the way.

once i find time, i'll be putting up details on how i went about this (uploading images and putting together a description)

but its going to be in vain....
because unless you have the board i have (or something very similar) it might not be a viable option....

i considered originally to glue a joystick on top of one of Helder common ground PCB...
but thats was a very crude and risky option as unless i epoxyed the joystick onto the board there is a chance of it dislodging if i used something like hotglue....

you could maybe use a 3d printed brace/holder....
but i dont have a 3d printer (yet), so didnt even explore this option....
getting the dust cover to fit perfectly was a bit of a task....



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Re: Veteran's 4th "NO Dpad BUILD" (Arcade Edition)

Post by fablespirt » Mon Jul 16, 2018 7:08 pm

That looks awesome. 6 button version would be awesome.

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Re: Veteran's 4th "NO Dpad BUILD" (Arcade Edition)

Post by Moonsword » Tue Jul 17, 2018 12:10 am

Interesting build, I haven't seen a joystick pcb for the gameboy before, it looks like it has a 3DS circle pad on there instead of a psp1000.

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Re: Veteran's 4th "NO Dpad BUILD" (Arcade Edition)

Post by BadBert » Tue Jul 17, 2018 1:45 am

that looks awsome! Really nice!!!

Plays nice aswell as i can tell from the vid!
My first GBZ build -=HERE=- -> Became a gift to my little brother!
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Re: Veteran's 4th "NO Dpad BUILD" (Arcade Edition)

Post by viletuna » Tue Jul 17, 2018 5:14 am

Looks awesome! What type of joystick did you use? Looks similar to the one used in the old gp2x

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