(Noob question) Where to connect battery and audio amp to pi zero

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(Noob question) Where to connect battery and audio amp to pi zero

Post by drom3 » Tue Nov 17, 2020 6:28 pm

Hello. I am new to console modification, but not new to electronics. Where do I connect the output of the Adafruit Microlipo to the Pi? I dont really want to blow mine up as I've waited a long time to get this project done. Also, where and how do I connect the audio amplifier??

Thank you!!

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Re: (Noob question) Where to connect battery and audio amp to pi zero

Post by Spyder » Wed Nov 18, 2020 10:06 am

I believe this is what you need. Use at your own risk.
PiZero.png (484.85 KiB) Viewed 9026 times

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