mintyPi v3 video distorted, upside down, and backwards

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mintyPi v3 video distorted, upside down, and backwards

Post by ccaladd » Sun Jan 19, 2020 11:07 pm

I have finished the inital soldering my v3 mintyPi, have tested connections, and rechecked all my solders. Still getting the same video distortion when i plug it in.
Attached a photo of the distortion. Would love to hear any thoughts, thanks.
20200119_212818.jpg (3.77 MiB) Viewed 9722 times

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Re: mintyPi v3 video distorted, upside down, and backwards

Post by ccaladd » Thu Jan 23, 2020 7:44 pm

Thank you for the suggestion Trubl. Sorry for the lag in my reply.
Yes, I tried that image and had the same distortion.

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Re: mintyPi v3 video distorted, upside down, and backwards

Post by Spyder » Fri Jan 24, 2020 9:33 am

My last screen I got from Ali for my Gaboze Pocaio had a similar problem and I got a replacement screen and it worked great. That might be an issue.

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Re: mintyPi v3 video distorted, upside down, and backwards

Post by ccaladd » Tue Jan 28, 2020 10:25 pm

Whoops, image was right, switched to etcher to burn image and everything is good. Thank You Spyder and Trubl for your replys.

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