New forums are up! They are at (no ‘s’).
@1461748123 and I have been looking into options for migrating users and posts. Honestly the options don’t look that great at this point. Most of the things I’m finding are at least a couple of years old and made for older versions of phpBB (the new forum software), or older versions of bbPress (the awful plugin we’ve all been using). There are also pretty expensive paid services as well, but those look to be like $50-$80.
So, as annoying as it is this is the current plan:
I’ll leave these forums open for a week or so to give people time to wind down any conversations they are in the middle of. After that I’ll lock down the old forums but leave them up at a new endpoint like or something for at least a while in case anyone needs to look up stuff.
This does mean you’ll need to re-register on the new forums.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but these new forums will be so much better in the long run. ?
If anyone has any other ideas for or experience with migration from bbPress to phpBB, please let me know!