Community Spotlight: Ampersand’s Game Boy Null

As our community grows (with well over 8000 members at this point!) more and more unique and original projects are popping up. Ampersand’s Game Boy Null is one such project:

The components used are pretty simple, and similar to other projects like the mintyPi or TinyPi: a custom PCB, battery and charger, a screen and some buttons.

But when combined with a laser-cut acrylic shell, you end up with an incredibly slick and unique-looking handheld:

Great job, Ampersand!  You can find more info about his project (as well as links to buy a kit on Tindie) in the forums here.

I’m told he only has a few kits left, but if there is enough interest then he will do another run.  So if you want to make one, be sure to head over to the forums and let him know!

As a side note, he’s also participating in the Summer Community Competition and has made a pretty sweet motion-controlled Tetris-player!  So be sure to check that out as well.

wermy Written by: